domingo, abril 12, 2009

pirata africano

Os piratas da Somália, que começaram como uma espécie de Guarda Costeira improvisada na zona, estão na ordem do dia. A Reuters explica alguns factos sobre o que move estes piratas modernos.

Q&A: Who are the Somali pirates?


* When warlords toppled former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, Somalia collapsed into anarchy. That led to a wave of illegal fishing, plus dumping of toxic and industrial waste, in Somali waters by foreign boats from Asia and Europe.

* Toward the end of the decade, local fishermen and militia formed groups with names like the "Somali Coastguards" and the "National Volunteer Coastguards," to drive away or apprehend the vessels from South Korea, Italy, Spain, Thailand and elsewhere.

* Seeing how easy it was to capture vessels, those groups metamorphosed this decade into old-fashioned pirate gangs, becoming ever more sophisticated in methods and bold in range.

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