domingo, janeiro 04, 2009

ataques de tubarão no verão do outro lado do mundo

Great white shark

Dezembro, Verão na Austrália, foi um mês profícuo em ataques de tubarões brancos (na imagem) no ilha imensa. Curiosamente a maior parte foi na costa sudoeste australiana, em Perth (terra natal do malogrado Heath Ledger).

Australian snorkeller snatched by shark

A snorkeller is believed to have been snatched by a shark as he swam last weekend with his son at a beach south of Perth. Witnesses reported seeing a dorsal fin and thrashing in the water before the sea turned red and the man vanished at the scene on Australia's west coast. Father-of three Brian Guest, 51, who had campaigned for many years for the protection of sharks, had been looking for crabs on yesterday morning with his 24-year-old son when he was attacked about 30 metres from the shore.

British couple in second shark scare off Western Australia

Pair tell of 'Jaws' encounter while fishing where Australian man disappeared two days earlier

Shark sizes up kayakers off Sydney coast

1 comentário:

anDrEIA disse...

Em Dezembro, dei alguns mergulhos no Oceano Índico ao largo de Perth e uma pessoa nem se lembra que ali há tubarões ;)