sexta-feira, fevereiro 29, 2008

'attributi' proibido

[Cerca de 90% dos homens portugueses já não podem ir a Itália à vontade. Quem for para amparar ou coçar os seus "tintins" em público pode ter de pagar uma avultada multa. Justo ou limitação da liberdade individual?]

Italian high court bans public crotch-rubbing
Keep your hands where we can see them - Italy's highest court has ruled that men who scratch, adjust or otherwise manipulate their genitals in public are committing a criminal offence. The Guardian reports that judges in the "court of cassation", the highest court of appeal in Italian law, have moved to criminalise not only shameless crotch-scratching, but also a specific local superstition. According to Italian folklore, a swift grasp of one's generative organs - known by Italians as their "attributi" - protects against bad luck.

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