terça-feira, setembro 18, 2007

discursos filosóficos de sócrates e... bush

Não há nada mais interessante do ponto de vista filosófico do que ler os discursos pré-formatados de dois responsáveis por dois países. Percebe-se claramente a utilidade (a falta dela) deste tipo de discursos. Quem os escreve? Porque existem? Porque é que alguém quererá lê-los? Porque é que são tão ocos e repletos de elogios parvos (e hipócritas)?


Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Socrates of Portugal in Photo Opportunity
THE PRESIDENT: It has been my honor to welcome the Prime Minister of a steady ally and a good friend to the Oval Office. Not only does Prime Minister Socrates represent a close friend, he also has got an important assignment, and that is to lead the EU right now. So we discussed our bilateral relations. I asked the Prime Minister, I said, how would you frame our bilateral relations, he said: good. Well, you know, I feel the same way. And I thank you for coming.
I do want to thank the people of Portugal for supporting your decision to help the people of Iraq and Afghanistan realize the blessings of freedom, and I appreciate that. I know those aren't easy decisions to make, but the people in those countries that believe that they should live in a free society and want to live in a free society appreciate your contributions, as well.

PRIME MINISTER SOCRATES: Thank you, Mr. President. It was a very sympathetic conversation with you. And thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to present to you what are the priorities for Europe in the months ahead. In particular, we had the opportunity to discuss the transatlantic relation, and importance to Europe on the relation with the United States. As a matter of fact, I don't see any strategic question for the world that don't demand, require the most -- better relations with Europe and United States. (...)

PS - info útil para todos: Sócrates correu em Washington (entre o Lincoln Memorian e o monumento a George Washington, perto do Capitólio e dos memoriais às guerras do Vietname e da Coreia) acompanhado por dois amigos médicos, do Clube Anti-Stress, que estão a participar na capital norte-americana num congresso da sua especialidade.

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