domingo, abril 01, 2007

jesus de chocolate

[Mais uma polémica religiosa nos Estados Unidos, mais uma prova de um país conservador e tão empertigado em tantos aspectos. Vivem, em muitos lados, na base da hipocrisia e dos pudores falsos e ridiculos.]

Chocolate Jesus exhibit cancelled
A New York art gallery has decided to cancel an exhibit of a chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ after protests by a US Catholic group. The six-foot (1.8m) sculpture, entitled "My Sweet Lord", depicts a naked Jesus Christ with his arms outspread. The sculpture, by artist Cosimo Cavallaro, was to have been displayed from Monday at Manhattan's Lab Gallery. The timing, over Easter Holy Week - the most important part of the Christian year - provoked an outcry. The Roger Smith Hotel housing the Lab gallery decided to cancel the exhibition after the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights called for a boycott.

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