Bem-vindos à Live 8, 20 anos depois da Live Aid.
American rock star Dave Matthews makes an announcement in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Tuesday 31 May 2005. that a series of free, simultaneous concerts, called Live 8, will take place on 02 July 2005 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; London, England; Berlin, Germany; Paris, France and Rome. Italy Bob Geldof, who organized the Live AId Concerts 20 years ago and is organising this event, made a similar announcement in London. The aim of the concerts is to focus attention on the extreme poverty in Africa and to influence the opinoins of the leaders of the G8 nationswho will meet for the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland on 06 July EPA
Britain's Sir Bob Geldof at a photocall prior to a press conference at The Grosvenor House Hotel in Central London, Tuesday 31 May 2005, to announce the launch of Live Aid The Long Walk for Justice.The new Live Aid will be a series of concerts around the world to help raise funds and awareness for the Make Poverty History campaign. EPA
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