quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006

população em crescimento

[Já que estamos numa de falar de ideias criativas, aqui fica mais uma. O site da BBC enviou a uma pequena localidade no centro dos Estados Unidos um repórter, isto porque a aldeia com 190 habitantes é considerada pelo Gabinete de Census norte-americano o "population centre" da América, o mesmo organismo que anunciou ontem que o país atingiu os 300 milhões de habitantes. O artigo explica porquê.]

Ethnic diversity graph Ethnic diversity graph

é o número de habitantes oficiais nos EUA a partir de hoje

Visiting the population centre of US
Town signAs the number of people living in the United States hits 300 million, the BBC News website's Matthew Davis visits a tiny Missouri hamlet known as the "population centre" of America.
Here in Edgar Springs the United States does not feel like a country of 300 million people.
This is a blink-and-you'll-miss it kind of town - with a population of 190, little more than a petrol station and a few dozen houses at an isolated crossroads on the edge of the Mark Twain National Forest.
Six years ago, Edgar Springs experienced a brief moment of acclaim, when the US Census Bureau proclaimed it the new "population centre" of the US. That is the notional point at which a flat-surface representation of the US would balance if everyone counted in the 2000 census stood up in their homes.
The distinction - calculated every 10 years as an aid to understanding population distribution - is marked by a small plaque outside the town's cemetery.

Planet Earth: Too crowded for modern Utopia?

FRASE: Never in the history of mankind have so many people lived such free and prosperous lives in one country
Daniel Griswold, Cato Institute

Existem vários gráficos curiosos sobre o crescimento do país, estes são dois deles:

Population graph

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