sexta-feira, abril 14, 2006

iudas, o fiel

[Esta descoberta deita por terra vários dogmas do que vem da bíblia, apesar de manter a tese principal. Vem comprovar a teoria de que a bíblia é um livro repleto de versões que foram reunidas de uma forma claramente inteligente enquanto foram desprezados outros documentos que contrariavam o que se pretendia para se criar a história global. Os agnósticos poderão com maior facilidade, agora, afirmar, como acreditar num livro que dá mostras de ser uma história pouco exacta...]

Judas Iscariotes.
Discípulo favorito
"Aqui [Evangelho de Judas, descoberto recentemente] Judas não é o malvado, corrupto, perverso e quase demoníaco seguidor de Jesus que trai o seu mestre; é, pelo contrário, o mais íntimo e próximo amigo de Jesus, aquele que conhecia e compreendia Jesus melhor do que qualquer outro e que apenas denunciou Jesus às autoridades porque essas foram as suas instruções", sublinha Bart Ehrman, director do departamento de Estudos Religiosos da Universidade da Carolina do Norte.
mais in Publico

O seguinte artigo do NY Times ajuda a compreender de onde vem este novo [para o nosso conhecimento] Evangelho de Judas:

Frieda Tchacos Nussberger could gain as much as $2 million from deals involving the Gospel of Judas, said her lawyer, Mario Roberty, left.

How the Gospel of Judas Emerged
When the National Geographic Society announced to great fanfare last week that it had gained access to a 1,700-year-old document known as the Gospel of Judas, it described how a deteriorating manuscript, unearthed in Egypt three decades ago, had made its way through the shady alleys of the antiquities market to a safe-deposit box on Long Island and eventually to a Swiss art dealer who "rescued" it from obscurity.
But there is even more to the story.
The art dealer was detained several years ago in an unrelated Italian antiquities smuggling investigation. And after she failed to profit from the sale of the gospel in the private market, she struck a deal with a foundation run by her lawyer that would let her make about as much as she would have made on that sale, or more.
Later, the National Geographic Society paid the foundation to restore the manuscript and bought the rights to the text and the story about the discovery. As part of her arrangement with the foundation, the dealer, Frieda Tchacos Nussberger, stands to gain $1 million to $2 million from those National Geographic projects, her lawyer said. There may even be more.

Details of how the manuscript was found are clouded. According to National Geographic, it was found by farmers in an Egyptian cave in the 1970's, sold to a dealer and passed through various hands in Europe and the United States. Legal issues in its transit are equally vague.
No one questions the authenticity of the Judas gospel, which depicts Judas Iscariot not as a betrayer of Jesus but as his favored disciple.
mais in NY Times

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