segunda-feira, agosto 22, 2005

adeus six feet hunder


And They All Died Happily Ever After, Sort Of
Some said the world would end in fire. Some said in ice.
But no one predicted that the finale to HBO's apocalyptic drama "Six Feet Under" would be served room temperature. Instead, insiders, who had seen the show in advance, promised last week that the 75-minute episode would blow our minds. But, really, we should have been skeptical: our minds, after all, were already blown.
The magnificent and magnificently flawed series had compelled new, apprehensive attention with its July 24 episode, in which Nate Fisher (Peter Krause), the show's main mensch - or was he a weasel? - collapsed after adulterous sex while coining, in the year's best line of dialogue, an evocative contraction of the words "numb" and "arm": narm.
mais in NYTimes

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